Financial Stability

Our focus is to increase the number of families and individuals who are financially stable, have good jobs, less debt and good money management skills.

Many people struggle these days to get by, even working multiple jobs. Stable income is a cornerstone of financial security - the key to paying the rent, putting food on the table, and providing childcare and transportation.

For families struggling to pay the rent and buy food, an unanticipated expense – a car breakdown, an uninsured illness, a week without a paycheck – can lead to crisis.  For those also dealing with mental illness, poor health, or family trauma, holding a steady job can be a daily challenge. United Way funded partner agencies are there to help, providing food, and shelter assistance as well as counseling and referral services for a broad range of basic needs.

  • Provide the basics like food, clothing and shelter

  • Work to prevent violence and provide necessary response including safe havens for children, adults and families

  • Provide a free, confidential, 24/7 resource, NC 211, to connect individuals with the service referrals they need for support and intervention